August 17th Is National Thrift Shop Day

 In Blog

When you go shopping, where do you go? Do you hit the mall? Head to the outlets? Or are you among the millions of Americans who head straight for the thrift shops?

If thrift shops are your jam, you’re in good company. Thrift shopping is a great way to save money, reduce waste, find a DIY project, and help your community.

Of course, you want to have a plan if you’re heading out to do a little thrift shopping – and these tips will help you make the most of your thrift shopping experience!

  • Clear Your Closet: It’s always a good idea to do a little closet cleaning before you head out shopping. This can help you reduce the clutter around your place, make room for new items you might find, and you may even be able to sell a few things and make some money to use for shopping.
  • Create a Plan: When it comes to thrift shopping, it’s essential to know what you’re looking for. This will prevent you from overbuying – which can be a serious problem when you see so many good deals. Keep a list of needs and wants with you – and always know what your budget is.
  • Know Where You’re Going: Do you know where your local thrift stores are? Do you know what they specialize in? It’s a good idea to figure out where you’re going – and what each store is known for.
    • Additionally, you might want to hit thrift stores that are a little out of the way for a better selection of merchandise. Thrift stores in areas with a large population see more traffic, and you can find that the good things disappear fast.
  • Dress for Thrifting: If you are shopping for clothes, you want to dress so that you can easily slide things over what you’re wearing. Think about wearing bike shorts or leggings and a tank top so you can try things on in the middle of the store if needed. (You may find that your local thrift store has limited dressing rooms or none at all.)
  • Take a Look Around: When you arrive at the thrift shop, take a quick look around – especially if you don’t know what they specialize in or you don’t have a specific plan. Take note of items that interest you, and circle back once you’ve made a loop of the store.
  • Look for Quality Merchandise: Thrift stores have merchandise that ranges from excellent quality to the not-so-great. You want to make sure you’re looking for good quality merchandise – so you can avoid buyer’s remorse later on.
  • Shop Off-Season: People often drop their items off at thrift shops at the end of a season – so if you’re willing to shop off-season – you can get some great deals. 
  • Think About Repurposing: You might not find EXACTLY what you’re looking for, but with a bit of creativity, you may be able to repurpose things. There are lots of TikTokers showing how they are repurposing their thrift shop clothing finds or it might be time to attempt that DIY furniture project.
  • Get to Know the Staff: If you want the inside scoop on when items are put out or the best day to come shop, then get to know the staff. They’ll have all of the inside information – and if you’re friendly and personable, they just might share it with you.
  • Carry Cash: Yes, lots of thrift stores take credit cards nowadays, but it’s always wise to carry cash when you’re thrifting. Make sure you stop by the bank before you head out for the day.

August 17th is National Thrift Shop Day, and if you haven’t joined the legions of people who are thrifting – it’s the perfect day to start! 

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