Apartment Safety Tips When Vacationing
When going on vacation, you deserve to rest and relax while away. Unfortunately, the angst of wondering whether or not your home is safe while you are gone is often enough to ruin an entire vacation. Luckily, a bit of due diligence can put the fun back in your time off, making sure that you and your family get your time and money’s worth.
Here are some apartment safety tips when vacationing, which will keep your home safe while away.
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
Plane tickets? Check. Passport? Check. Hotel reservation confirmed? Check.
Just like you have a checklist for everything else for your vacation, you should also consider bringing in a list to help you safeguard your home while you are away. If you wait until the last moment to think about apartment safety, it’s likely that you’ll end up asking yourself whether or not you locked a window or turned off the hair straightener. However, if you have a checklist of things you need to do before you go on vacation, you’ll be much more prepared.
Some of the things on that list include:
- Locking doors
- Closing and locking windows
- Turning off appliances and electronics (including alarms you may have set for daily wake up calls)
- Turning off water
Little reminders like this will help you prepare for your vacation. And knowing that you have done everything on that list will help you to enjoy your time much more.
Bring In Some Tech
There is a ton of technology out there that will help you enjoy your vacation with peace of mind regarding the safety of our apartment. For example, you can consider getting a device that monitors and controls the schedule for your lights, turning them on late at night when it gets dark. Another option to consider might be an alarm system that you can then access and monitor from your smart phone. Loading up your home with safe technology measures will not only provide peace of mind while on vacation, but on a daily basis as well.
Cancel Your Subscriptions
Letting a load of mail or stack of newspapers pile up is a sure sign that you are out of town. That often tells neighbors that they have time to do whatever to your apartment until you get back. To ensure that you don’t give off any unwanted signs that you aren’t home, cancel your subscriptions for mail and newspaper delivery. Once you get home, you can resume delivery and get all of your items from when you were gone.
Phone A Friend
The final consideration to make to keep your apartment safe is to ask someone you trust to housesit. That might mean paying the high school kid next door, or it could be asking your family to come by a few times while you are gone. Either way, having someone you trust check in on your property will help you relax while away.
Your vacation should be as carefree and relaxing as possible. If you feel that you can’t relax due to the stress that comes from worrying about the safety of your home, consider these tips for apartment safety when vacationing.